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Rural Education Project Workshops

'Endless Possibilities'

Our mission at Rural Education Project is to offer fun, interactive workshops that cater to all ages and abilities.


Subjects covered include: -
The Countryside Code
How to respect, protect and enjoy the countryside. Gates, rubbish, fires, way markers etc.
Emergency services involving role play
Water Safety
What 3 Words
Road safety
Animal welfare
Learning about the five freedoms
How to turn over a sheep
Local and world pollution and how it affects society and wildlife
Fly tipping
Crime Prevention
Forms of property marking

Sessions are £5 per person which includes a pack and certificate Length of session to be arranged.  Workshops are tailored to suit any ability or age

Click here to download an information sheet.

Our Team

Meet Helen, Carol and Linda with Ben, our therapy dog, who is a wonderful addition to our team.  He joins us at our workshops and is a calming influence to many students.

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